dBD Communications supported the 2022 JOTA (Jamboree On The Air) scouting event, which encourages youngsters to learn more about radio communications.
Close to 200 cubs, scouts and explorers enrolled to take part in this annual event which took place at the Belchamps Scout Activity Centre in Hockley. The event is aimed at helping scout groups from around Essex and Kent to try out the technology, and work towards their communication badges through a range of fun activities.
The event, supported by local amateur radio group Essex Ham included a range of activities including making on-air radio contacts, radio direction-finding, code-breaking, radio chases, demonstrations of military radio systems, as well as live video calls with other scouting groups around the world.
Equipment loaned by dBD Communications enabled a new and fun activity to be added: the “Blindfold Radio Challenge”. For this, teams of two had to navigate a maze using radio – an activity first piloted by dBD Communications at the Basildon Street Science Fair in 2019. For the game, one youngster would be blindfolded and fitted with a noise-blocking full-duplex headset and navigated through the maze by their partner using voice commands over radio. A supervisor would be monitoring on a third headset, to ensure no mishaps or cheating. Prizes, supplied by dBD Communications, were awarded for best times in completing the challenge.
Pete Sipple from amateur radio group Essex Ham said: “The Jamboree On The Air event is a great opportunity to get youngsters interested in radio and technology, and potentially to become the next generation of scientists and engineers. Use of the duplex radio systems manufactured here in Essex by dBD Communications added a great new dimension to the weekend’s radio activities, and ensuring that the youngsters went away with a better understanding of today’s radio technologies”
Belchamps JOTA: http://www.gb1bel.org.uk/
Amateur Radio in Essex: https://www.essexham.co.uk/